
poster for event


Occurs on Saturday June 29 2024

Approximate running time: 2 hours


King's Theatre
209 St. George Street
Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0

Event Notes

× Don’t miss the chance to see the work of five extraordinary Nova Scotian puppet-makers and puppeteers on stage with three puppet plays.

‘GINGER BASHA & THE MISSING MOON’: TERESA BERGEN with musician KIM BARLOW. Suitable for all ages.

‘FOSSILS’: JENNIFER MARLOW will perform “Fossils” based, on Camille Saint Saëns Carnival of the animals. Suitable for all ages.

‘INFINITY’: KEN FLETT, an artist/puppet-maker living in Bear River, NS, and his son JONAH RUBIN-FLETT, will perform “Infinity” after the intermission. Intended for mature audiences.

ADULTS: $20 YOUTH: $10

HST additional

Royalty Card holders get 10% off

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Children under 12 must be accompanied by a guardian when attending a King's Theatre event

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